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Group Deposit & Credit Scheme

Group Deposit & Credit Scheme

Group Deposit & Credit Scheme

Group Deposit & Credit Scheme

The Calicut City Service Co-operative Bank was established with a vision to foster among the people the idea of a good banking culture that aims to imbibe in them virtues of saving habits and making the most of the financial services offered to them. It is with this idea in mind that the Bank has given shape to Group Deposits and Credit Scheme. As per this, customers can stand to gain the advantage of investing a substantial amount and getting the best returns out of it.

Making use of the Group Deposit initiative, Customers can deposit as a group for 50 months or 25 months amounts worth Rs. 50,00,000/-, Rs. 25,00,000/-, RS. 10,00,000/-, Rs, 50,000/- or 25,000/-. This enables the customers to deposit as a group, amounts ranging from small to big as per individual capacities. This venture comes to you with an added advantage of a Credit Scheme as well. By availing this scheme,  you can take 75% of the total deposited amount as loan. This amount can be paid back through our daily collection agents also.

It’s yet another reason that has made The Calicut City Service Co-operative Bank a hot favourite among the common people of Calicut.